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Fragrant Lilac Blossom Shortbread Cookies: A Delicate and Floral Recipe

Lilac blossom shortbread cookies on a vintage floral-patterned plate, topped with edible flower petals and placed in a garden full of lilac bushes.

Lilac blossom shortbread cookies on a vintage floral-patterned plate, topped with edible flower petals and placed in a garden full of lilac bushes.

Hello there! My name is Zara Kaur, and I have always been a nomad at heart. I was born and brought up in India, where I was introduced to some of the most colorful and delicious dishes. Lilac blossoms may seem like a peculiar ingredient to some, but in India, we often use flowers in our cooking, both as decoration and as a flavor. It brings me great joy to finally share with you a recipe that is so close to my heart and my roots!

Headshot of a woman with tan skin and dark curly hair, wearing a green scarf and with the Eiffel Tower visible in the background.

Zara is a 35-year-old travel enthusiast who has spent half of her life living in different countries. She is a polyglot who speaks 6 languages, loves photography and writing poetry. She is passionate about exploring new cultures and traditions, and her curiosity about food led her to discover the world of baking.

Zara Kaur currently resides in France and grew up in India.

Lilac blossoms, the star of this recipe, are not just any flowers. They are a symbol of spring, prosperity, and love. They have been used for centuries in perfumes, oils, and teas for their sweet and calming scent. In fact, lilacs have a long history of medicinal use, and the ancient Greeks even used a tincture made from lilac to treat wounds and infections! But let’s fast forward to the present day. Lilac is a popular ingredient in modern cuisine, and you can find all sorts of recipes that incorporate lilac from cocktails to cakes. However, nothing beats the delicate perfume of these lilac blossom shortbread cookies!

May 17th marks the National Pack Rat Day in the US. While most people would just roll their eyes at the thought of this holiday, I see it as an opportunity to celebrate everything that is worth keeping. And what’s better than a recipe that is both tasteful and sentimental? These fragrant lilac blossom shortbread cookies are more than just a recipe; they are a reminder of the beauty of nature and the importance of preserving tradition. So why not take a break from decluttering and enjoy a cup of tea and a delicate lilac cookie instead? Trust me, your taste buds and your inner pack rat will thank you for it!

Lilac blossom shortbread cookies on a vintage floral-patterned plate, topped with edible flower petals and placed in a garden full of lilac bushes.

What you need

Are you tired of the same old chocolate chip cookies? Then you must try my recipe for Fragrant Lilac Blossom Shortbread Cookies! These delicate little cookies have a unique, floral taste that is sure to impress anyone who tries them. Using fresh lilac blossoms adds a sweet, tangy flavor, while cornstarch gives the cookies a crumbly texture that just melts in your mouth. The recipe is easy, and the steps are straightforward. First, preheat the oven and mix together your wet ingredients: unsalted butter, granulated sugar, and the beautiful lilac blossoms. Then, in another bowl, sift together the all-purpose flour and cornstarch. Mix everything together, knead, and cut the dough. Finally, bake your cookies for 12-15 minutes until golden brown. Serve these cookies at your next baking party, or make them as a sweet and unique Valentine’s Day gift.


  • unsalted butter – The butter adds richness and a smooth texture to the cookies. Use unsalted butter to control the amount of salt in the recipe.
  • granulated sugar – Sugar helps to sweeten the cookies and adds crispness to the texture.
  • all-purpose flour – Flour is the base ingredient in this recipe and gives structure to the cookies.
  • cornstarch – Cornstarch helps to give a crumbly texture to the shortbread.
  • lilac blossoms – The lilac blossoms give the cookies their delicate floral flavor. If lilacs are out of season, try using lavender or rose petals as a substitute.


  • Mixing bowl
  • Electric mixer – A handheld mixer or whisk can be used as a substitution.
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Sifter – If you do not have a sifter, use a fine mesh strainer or skip this step if necessary.
  • Flour sack or clean tea towel
  • Rolling pin
  • Cookie cutter – If you do not have a cookie cutter, you can use the rim of a glass to cut out the cookies instead.
  • Baking sheet

Lilac Blossoms – A Floral Delight

As an avid baker with a love for all things floral, I find these delicate lilac blossoms to be the perfect addition to any spring-themed treat. Hints of lavender and fruit notes, lilacs are perfect in confectionery thanks to their delicate flavor profile. Although lilacs are often overlooked in the kitchen, their sweet-and-tangy taste is just wonderful in baked goods. Besides flavor, in this recipe, lilac blossoms bring color to the shortbread cookies. The beautiful purple hue will impress any guest. It’s worth noting that lilac must be used sparingly, as too much of it can overwhelm the other flavors in the recipe. I’m so excited to be featuring lilac in this recipe that I’m sure everyone will adore.

Fresh lilac blossom flowers on a wooden cutting board

Cornstarch – The Not So Secret Ingredient

As an experienced home baker, cornstarch seems like a secret ingredient that answers all of my baking woes. Cornstarch, as a star ingredient in this recipe, helps to create a delicious crumbly texture. Though it typically used as a stabilizer and a thickener in pies, gravies, and sauces, cornstarch can work wonders in baked goods too. In this recipe, cornstarch gives the cookies their iconic texture and mind-blowing crumbliness. It’s also gluten-free, which makes it a fantastic option for our gluten-free friends out there. Not many people think of cornstarch for baking, but it’s a perfect ingredient that brings out the best in the texture of cookies, cakes and other baked treats. Trust me when I say cornstarch is worth a spot in your kitchen pantry!

Bowl of white cornstarch on a wooden cutting board

What to serve it with?

These fragrant lilac blossom shortbread cookies are perfect with a cup of Earl Grey tea. The subtle floral notes of the cookies complement the fragrant and slightly bitter taste of the tea, making them a match made in heaven. As someone who has always loved the ritual of tea time, I find comfort in enjoying a freshly baked cookie with a hot cup of tea. It is a moment of tranquility and indulgence that I savor every day. When I host my tea parties, my guests always rave about the delicious pairing of the lilac blossom shortbread cookies with their tea. It is a crowd-pleasing option that adds an extra layer of sophistication and elegance to any gathering.

Fresh scones, berries, and clotted cream served with Earl Grey tea on a vintage white ceramic plate, surrounded by teacups, and a silver sugar bowl and creamer.


I hope you enjoyed reading about my recipe for fragrant lilac blossom shortbread cookies. As a traveler and a lover of cultures, I always find it fascinating how food can connect us to our roots and memories. Whether you are a seasoned baker or just trying your hand at making cookies for the first time, I encourage you to give this recipe a try. It is easy to make, and the results are simply delightful.

I would love to hear your feedback on this recipe. Have you ever used edible flowers in your cooking, and if so, what was your experience like? Do you have any tips or tricks to share with fellow bakers? Leave your comments down below, and let’s start a conversation. And as always, don’t forget to spread the love and share this recipe with your friends and family. Happy baking!

Here’s the recipe:

Lilac blossom shortbread cookies on a vintage floral-patterned plate, topped with edible flower petals and placed in a garden full of lilac bushes.

Fragrant Lilac Blossom Shortbread Cookies: A Delicate and Floral Recipe

Zara Kaur
Experience the delicate and floral flavors of lilac with this unique shortbread cookie recipe. Perfect for a spring-time tea party or any occasion where you want to impress your guests with your creativity and baking skills.
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 12 minutes
Course Dessert, Snack
Cuisine American, British
Servings 24


  • Mixing bowl
  • Electric mixer
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Sifter
  • Flour sack or clean tea towel
  • Rolling Pin
  • Cookie cutter
  • Baking Sheet


  • 1 cup unsalted butter
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 2.5 cups all-purpose flour
  • 2 tbsp cornstarch
  • 1/4 cup lilac blossoms


  • Preheat Oven - Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Mixing wet ingredients - In a large mixing bowl, beat the unsalted butter and granulated sugar together until creamy. Add the lilac blossoms and mix until well combined.
  • Mixing dry ingredients - In a separate bowl, sift together the all-purpose flour and cornstarch.
  • Mixing everything together - Slowly add the flour mixture to the wet ingredients, mixing until just combined and the dough is crumbly.
  • Kneading and cutting the dough - Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead it until it comes together. Roll it out with a rolling pin to roughly 1/4 inch thickness, then use a cookie cutter to cut out the desired shapes. Transfer the cookies to the prepared baking sheet.
  • Baking the cookies - Bake the cookies for 12-15 minutes, or until the edges are golden brown. Allow the cookies to cool on the baking sheet for 5 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.

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